The last few years seemed to cause a sudden shift to online grocery shopping services for many consumers, but plenty of people still prefer the in-person retail experience.

There’s a satisfaction that comes from wandering the aisles, browsing the shelves, and picking out your own six-pack of soda or box of cereal.

Contrary to some media reports at the time, in-person food shopping hasn’t gone away — and it won’t be anytime soon. A survey from August 2020 — when many people were still avoiding crowds — said that more than 60% of U.S. consumers were still going to grocery stores regularly, despite the availability of delivery services. The same survey said that while grocery delivery services had surged in popularity in the last year, only 12% of people were regularly using them.

What does that mean? It means that the in-store experience still matters a lot to many shoppers — and as a convenience store owner, it should matter to you, too. Consumers want to shop at stores where products are presented in attractive and enticing ways.

Product displays, which can be as simple as a cardboard countertop sign that says “Sale” or as complex as a multi-shelf floor unit, are a great way to make shopping easier for customers while drawing attention to items that you want to sell. And they’re one of the most cost-effective ways to spur sales.

Need more proof? Here are seven ways product displays can have a big impact on your business.

1. They draw attention to your most profitable and popular products.

When placed in high-visibility locations such as entrances, endcaps and front counters, product displays can drive sales. They naturally highlight products that you want to sell, and your customers want to buy. Few shoppers will walk past without noticing their presence.

2. They encourage impulse purchases.

Research says most purchase decisions are made in the store. A great-looking display at the point of purchase or point of sale can make customers quickly reach for the item — and their wallets. They’re designed to make it easy for customers to buy now instead of returning home to think it over.

3. They send a silent message.

The words, colors, and design of branded displays are all created to attract attention and draw shoppers to the product they’re promoting. Many manufacturers provide them at little or no cost to retailers. If your store can accommodate them, it’s a good idea to use them.

4. They are especially effective for new products

Some shoppers are always looking for the newest items. They like to tell their friends and family that they must try the “awesome” new product they just discovered. A specially designed display that highlights the fact that that the merchandise it contains is new to the market could be the only suggestion they need to buy.

5. They educate as they engage.

Because they typically offer more space for advertising than most product packaging, branded displays can educate your customers about the products they contain. If the product has a story to tell, the additional real estate that the display offers can be put to good use as an educational tool.

6. They encourage cross-selling.

A display that contains complementary products can be a great way to boost the basket spend of your customers while making their shopping trip more convenient. Use them to keep related items in proximity: paper plates near plastic cutlery, cleaning supplies near paper towels. Odds are customers shopping in the aisle need both.

Customer grabbing a 5-hour shot on the go.

7. They offer an unbeatable return on investment.

When you consider how many customers pass by a product display every day, they offer a lot of bang for the bucks spent — especially if you’re able to get them free or at a discount from your supplier or distributor. A product display can start paying you back moments after you set it up.

So, if you’re not incorporating product displays into your store’s merchandising, you’re missing out. There are few easier, or more effective ways, to increase revenue while giving your customers a better shopping experience. Contact your distributor or supplier about your options today.

For more information on product presentation, watch this Retailer Rewards training video on the right way to open to and display a box of 5-hour ENERGY® shots.

7. They offer an unbeatable return on investment.

When you consider how many customers pass by a product display every day, they offer a lot of bang for the bucks spent — especially if you’re able to get them free or at a discount from your supplier or distributor. A product display can start paying you back moments after you set it up.

So, if you’re not incorporating product displays into your store’s merchandising, you’re missing out. There are few easier, or more effective ways, to increase revenue while giving your customers a better shopping experience. Contact your distributor or supplier about your options today.

For more information on product presentation, watch this Retailer Rewards training video on the right way to open to and display a box of 5-hour ENERGY® shots.

Customer grabbing a 5-hour shot on the go.